Mobile Application Development - Part 9
SQLite and Room
This week we will look at Android on-board databases by taking
a look at SQLite and the Room Persistence API.
What is SQLite?
- SQLite (see
is a simple on-board client-side database
- It does not require a full
database management system setup (like MySQL or Oracle) and its attendant client-server
- SQLite databases can be easily embedded into any pure client-side application,
such as a desktop Java application or an Android app.
Using an SQLite database in Android
- Traditionally, the SQLite API was used to query an SQLite
database on Android
- However, this requires a lot of repetitive "boilerplate" code to
perform queries
- It is recommended instead to use the Room Persistence Library
- Room is a higher-level API which takes advantage of annotations
to allow you to write more concise code
- Annotations are a language feature of both Java and Kotlin which allow
you to add "meta-code" which are processed before the code
is compiled
- Annotations begin with @ followed by an annotation class name
- Annotations are processed either by the compiler or by third-party
Annotation examples
In Java, this specifies that the following method will override a method of the
superclass. If it does not, the compiler will generate an error.
In Kotlin, this is not necessary as the override keyword does the
same thing.
Marks that the method following is deprecated. Any other code calling this
method will generate a compiler warning, informing the developer that the
method is deprecated (outdated, with a better replacement available)
- Example of both (Java)
public class Cow extends Animal {
// If there's no makeNoise() in Animal, compiler will give an error
public void makeNoise() {
public void moo() {
System.out.println("Moo!"); // intention is that moo() has been deprecated in favour of makeNoise()
public static void main (String[] args) {
Cow cow = new Cow();
cow.moo(); // compiler generates deprecation warning
- This code is specifying that makeNoise() must override the
version of makeNoise() declared in the superclass, and that moo()
is deprecated, i.e the code in the main():
Cow cow = new Cow();
would generate a compiler warning about using a deprecated method.
Room and annotations
- In the case of Room, annotations are used to allow us to develop
more concise code
- Room annotations consist of classes which are part of the Room library,
and are processed by the Room compiler into standard, albeit
long-winded, Java code
- This Java code is then compiled to bytecode in the normal way
- The process is shown below:
Using Room
Components of a Room application
A Room application with one database table
would contain, as a minimum, these four classes:
- The data entity: class representing your actual data, e.g
a Student class to represent a student record in a students
- The DAO or Data Access Object:
- A class providing access to your database from the rest of your
- Contains a series of methods which perform given SQL statements
- e.g. a getById() method which will perform a SELECT statement
to retrieve a record using its ID
- External code can call the methods of the DAO, and thus can be
kept clean and uncluttered by SQL, as all the SQL code is encapsulated
within the DAO
- A class representing the actual database as a whole
- Your main activity
The data entity
- We'll start with the data entity
- As seen above, this is a class representing the entities stored within
your database table
- e.g.:
data class Student(
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) val id: Long,
val name: String,
var course: String, var mark: Int
- This is a simple data class, but has two Room annotations:
- @Entity: specifies the database table which will be used to
store objects that this class represents
- @PrimaryKey: specifies which property will coincide with
the primary key in the database. Note the autoGenerate = true
argument, which will autogenerate the primary key as the next available
- The columns in the table will have the same names as the properties
(i.e. id, name, course and mark)
- We can name the columns differently to the property names in the data class using the annotation
, e.g:
data class Student(
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) val id: Long = 0,
@ColumnInfo(name="the_name") val name: String,
@ColumnInfo(name="the_course") var course: String, var mark: Int
In this example the columns used in the actual database will be the_name
and the_course
The DAO (Data Access Object)
The database object
- Finally, here is the database class
- Its role is to encapsulate the database as a whole
- It needs to create the database object as a singleton
(single instance object), to avoid creating unnecessary multiple
copies of the database
- To do this, we use Kotlin companion objects
- A companion object is an object which is attached to
a class as a whole, rather than specific instances of a class
- It has roughly the same role as static methods in Java
Example database
import android.content.Context
@Database(entities = arrayOf(Student::class), version = 1, exportSchema = false)
public abstract class StudentDatabase: RoomDatabase() {
abstract fun studentDao(): StudentDao
companion object {
private var instance: StudentDatabase? = null
fun getDatabase(ctx:Context) : StudentDatabase {
var tmpInstance = instance
if(tmpInstance == null) {
tmpInstance = Room.databaseBuilder(
instance = tmpInstance
return tmpInstance
Example database - explanation
- We need to precede the class with the @Database annotation
- Our database extends from RoomDatabase
- We have to provide an abstract method to return the DAO
- The outside world, such as our Activity, will call this
- We then begin our companion object
- This contains our single instance of the StudentDatabase
object (as we are using the singleton pattern)
- Using standard singleton logic, the getDatabase() method
tests if the instance is null; if it is, we create the instance and
return it, if it isn't, we simply return it.
- This will ensure that there will only ever be one instance of
our StudentDatabase
- Note how we specify the database name (studentDatabase) when we
create our database object
Our main activity
- Finally, we need a main activity for our application
- This needs to obtain the database (using the getDatabase() method
of the companion object of our database class
- Once we have our database, we can obtain the DAO and call its methods
- Note that operations to query the database have to go in a
separate, background thread so that the user interface doesn't
become unresponsive while waiting for the database transactions to take
- We can use coroutines for this
- Therefore, we will quickly look at coroutines before looking at the
main activity
Asynchronous operations in contemporary Kotlin Android
- One key feature of contemporary Kotlin Android apps
is the ability to write concise asynchronous
code, to perform operations such as connecting to a remote server
- Previously this was done in Android with AsyncTask,
or even using raw threads
- A thread is a separate strand of execution which permits
tasks to run simultaneously
- Typically you would have a main thread which manages the GUI, and
additional threads to manage background tasks such as network
- However Kotlin allows you to achieve the same effect with
Introduction to coroutines
- A coroutine is a function that can run in either the foreground
or the background, and can be suspended (paused) to allow
another operation to take place
- Each coroutine runs in a context
- The context determines whether the coroutine runs in the
foreground or background
- Typically, each context would run in a separate thread or group
of threads (for those of you who have done multithreading)
- In Android, there are three available contexts:
- Dispatchers.Main - always runs on the foreground in
Android, GUI code would go in here.
- Dispatchers.IO - a background context optimised for
input/output operations, for example network communication.
- Dispatchers.Default - a background context optimised for
heavy calculations and processing which does not use input/output.
- We can switch between contexts and in this way, run some of
our code on the main thread and some in the background
Coroutine scopes
- Coroutines must be launched from a scope
- You can create this yourself in Android but alternatively, can use
the LifecycleScope
- The LifecycleScope is part of the new Android lifecycle components
and allows you to to easily launch coroutines from any Android component with
a lifecycle (e.g. Activity, Fragment)
Main activity - basic example
This is a basic and incomplete example showing how to set up the activity to load the database. It also shows how to query a Room database inside withContext()
// Other imports left out...
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
class MainActivity: ComponentActivity() {
lateinit var db: StudentDatabase
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
db = StudentDatabase.getDatabase(application)
setContent {
Button(onClick = {
lifecycleScope.launch {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
// Room code should go here
// Create an example Student and add it to the database
val s = Student(name="Alex Smith", course="SE", mark=77)
// UI code should go outside the "withContext()" block
}) {
Text("Add Student")
This example provides the opportunity to introduce the Kotlin lateinit
keyword. We need to declare our database object outside onCreate()
, because other methods need to access it. However, we cannot initialise it outside onCreate()
, as, before onCreate()
runs, the application will not be setup properly (we will look at the Android lifecycle in a future session).
How do we solve this? We declare db
as a lateinit
variable. lateinit
states that the variable will be initialised later, when it is possible to do so. Note that in the code example above, we initialise it in onCreate()
, when the app is ready for the database.
We could alternatively make it a nullable, e.g:
class MainActivity: ComponentActivity() {
var db : StudentDatabase? = null
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
db = StudentDatabase.getDatabase(application)
This works, however because the map
variable is nullable, we have to do null-safety checks throughout our code when using it.
Viewing the database from Android Studio
You can view your database from Android Studio by selecting View-Tool Windows-App Inspection. You have to use a device running at least API 26 to do this. Here is an example:
Develop an application to store music in an SQLite database using Room.
You'll need four classes: the data entity, the DAO, the database and the
main activity. You'll need these dependencies in your build.gradle (note that newer versions may be available):
Note the last directive, ksp
. What is this? KSP (Kotlin Symbol Processing) is a tool which will process Java-based annotations in Kotlin code, such as the annotations used by Room. See the documentation.
To set up KSP you need to add it to the project build.gradle.kts
(the first of the two, labelled with Project), within the plugins
id("") version "1.9.0-1.0.13" apply false
Note the version here 1.9.0-1.0.13
. You may need to change this for your system. The first number is the Kotlin version and the second number is the KSP version. You need to choose a version which corresponds to your Kotlin version (1.9.0 in this eaxmple). To find out the Kotlin version, go to File-Settings-Kotlin Compiler in Android Studio:
Then lookup the KSP versions at the GitHub repository and choose the most recent version which is compatible with your version of Kotlin.
Also, add this line to the plugins
section of the app build.gradle.kts
(the second):
id ("")
Important - Using KAPT if KSP does not work
For a currently-unknown reason, KSP is not compatible with some configurations of Android Studio, including the lab computers. If you obtain obscure errors when using KSP, please use the older KAPT tool instead. To use KAPT instead of KSP:
- Do not add the KSP line to the
in the Project build.gradle.kts
- Replace the KSP line in the
in the App build.gradle.kts
as shown below:
- Change the Java version in
and kotlinOptions
from 1.8 to 17 in the app build.gradle.kts
, as shown below:
- When including the Room compiler in your dependencies, use
instead of ksp
- If you get an error stating that API 34 is needed, please downgrade the Room version from 2.6.1 to 2.2.3. Replace 2.6.1 with 2.2.3 in all three dependencies above.
Use a device running at least API level 26 so you can use the Database Inspector to visualise your database.
The Activity should have a layout with four fields: ID, Title, Artist and Year, with four buttons (Search by ID, Add, Update, Delete). These buttons should
have the following effects. Each should call an appropriate method in your
DAO. These buttons should perform the following operations:
- Add - add the Title, Artist and Year in the appropriate fields to a "hits" table in an SQLite database. The ID field should be ignored, as the database will allocate an ID. Once added, however, the ID field should be filled in with the allocated ID. (Note that DAO insert methods will return the new ID as a Long as long as it's declared in the method signature - see the example)
- Search by ID - find the record with the ID the user entered in the ID field. Display the details of the found song in the other three fields (title, artist, year). An error (a toast is fine) should appear if that song does not exist.
- Update - should update the details of the song with the ID entered in the ID field to the title, artist and year entered in the appropriate fields.
Again display an error if the song with that ID does not
- Delete - delete the song with the ID the user entered. Again, display an error if the song with that ID does not exist.
Hint: store the current song in a state variable.
Further reading
Save data in a local database using Room - Android documentation on Room.