Topic 5 - Implementing REST PUT and DELETE methods


We have already seen how to write GET and POST methods in a Slim web service, and also how to send GET and POST requests from a PHP client. However, you probably remember that REST uses two other methods too: PUT and DELETE. How can we develop code to make use of these methods?

Server side

DELETE request

Handling DELETE requests with a Slim application is easy. We simply write delete and put routes in exactly the same way as we would write get and post routes, by using the delete and put methods of our \Slim\App object. For example:

$app->delete('/flights/{id}', function ($req, $res, array $args) {
    $stmt = $this->db->prepare("DELETE FROM flights WHERE id=?");
    $stmt->bindParam (1, $args["id"]);
This example sets up a DELETE route for the relative URL /flights/{id}, e.g. /flights/45678. If this URL receives a DELETE request, the flight with the corresponding ID will be deleted from the database.

PUT request

With a PUT request, we need to send new data (typically as JSON) to our web service. Our web service then needs to parse that JSON and use it to update the database. Note that calling getBody()->getContents(); on the Request object will retrieve the contents of the body of the HTTP request:

$app->put('/flights/{id}', function ($req, $res, array $args) {
    $put = json_decode($req->getBody()->getContents(), true);
    $stmt = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE flights SET depart=?, arrive=?, price=? WHERE id=?");
    $stmt->execute([$put["depart"], $put["arrive"], $put["price"], $args["id"]]);
Note a couple of things about this example:

Client side

Web services would normally be called from a client script or application, for example with cURL. You have already seen how to use cURL to setup GET and POST requests. You can also use cURL to send a DELETE request by adding the line:

 curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "DELETE");
PUT requests are a bit more difficult as you have to write a temporary file on your server and send that file over to the web service. To easily handle the different types of HTTP request in REST applications, I have written a wrapper function, call_web_service(), with which you can easily make a request to a REST web service. You can download it here (ZIP file); the source code is also viewable online here. To use it in a script, you need to add the line:
at the top of your script.

With this script, to call any web service all you need to do is:

$result = call_web_service( URL, method, data);
For example:

What does call_web_service() return?

The return value of call_web_service(), $result in the examples above, is an associative array containing the result returned from the web service. It contains two fields:


  1. Add a delete route to your web service, to delete a review. The route should handle a URL such as:
    and delete the review with the given ID.
  2. Add a put route to your web service, to update a review (text, star rating - note that the reviews table now has a star_rating column). JSON containing the new review and star rating should be read by the web service and used to update the review with the ID specified in the URL. Add error handling, so that if the review is blank, or the star rating is not between 1 and 5, an appropriate HTTP code is returned.
  3. Make sure you've done Exercise 3 from Topic 4. On the reviews page, add a link to delete a review. This should link to an additional client_review_delete.php page which sends a DELETE request to the web service and deletes the review.
  4. Add an "Edit Review"
  5. facility in your fan site. Users should be able to edit reviews and change the star rating. As you should, by this stage, understand how to communicate with web services from your fan site, I am not giving you full detail on how this should be implemented... but the user must be able to edit an existing review (show it in a text area) and star rating, and clicking an Edit button should result in the review being edited. Check for errors returned from your update web service!