Topic 8 - JavaScript Objects

IMPORTANT! While this is an important topic for good understanding of JavaScript, you do need to ensure that you have caught up with previous core topics. You MUST be up to date with Topics 1-3, and 6 before you attempt this session.

In this session we will look at JavaScript objects. We have briefly looked at objects when we looked at JSON parsing in JavaScript but today we will look at them in more detail.

Introduction to Objects

In programming we frequently come across the concept of an object. An object is a representation of a real-world entity, such as a person, a cat, or a web page element, in programming code. Objects have:

JavaScript Objects Built In To The Browser Environment

Remember that you can use the DOM from within JavaScript to manipulate page elements. This involves the use of JavaScript objects which are built into the web browser environment. They are available whenever you use JavaScript with a standards-compliant web browser. To go through an example:

var elem = document.getElementById("mydiv"); = 'red';
This code shows the use of some in-built JavaScript objects. document is an object representing the document, i.e. the web page. We call a method of the document object called getElementById(), which takes an element ID as an argument and returns the corresponding element as another object. In this code, we assign the element object to the variable elem - from this point onwards, elem will represent our page element object and we will be able to manipulate its properties. Here, we set the color property of the element's style (and the style itself is an object) to red. So it can be seen that:

Defining our own objects

In many cases it is sufficient to merely work with inbuilt JavaScript objects. However, if you are building the more complex HTML5 applications increasingly commonly found today, you will probably find yourself needing to create your own objects. Here is an example of how to do this.

// JS
function init()
    document.getElementById("btn1").addEventListener("click", example1);

function example1()
    var cat = { name: "Tiddles", 
                age: 10, 
                weight: 10 }; 

    alert(`${} ${cat.age} ${cat.weight}`);
Note how the properties are contained within curly brackets, and each property consists of its name (e.g. age) and its value (e.g. 10), separated by a colon. If you have encountered associative arrays or Maps in other languages, you can probably appreciate that a JavaScript object is fairly similar in the sense that it has a series of keys, i.e. properties, and values. These are known as key-value pairs. We could then add this code to the example1() function to create a second cat:
var cat2 = { name: "Tom", 
             age: 5};

alert(`${} ${cat2.age}`);
Note that the second cat does not have a weight. If you have had previous experience with object-orientated languages such as Java or C++, you will probably notice a difference here. In JavaScript, there are no true classes (i.e. blueprints from which we create objects of a given type, such as from a Cat class). Instead, we simply create a plain Object and give it arbitrary properties (and methods). We can dynamically add new properties (and methods) to an object at any time; this is another difference from Java or C++.


So far we have only dealt with object properties, which describe the object concerned. Remember, however, we can also do things to objects, such as change their state. We use methods to do this. A method represents an action on an object: it will typically change its state in some way (such as increase the weight for a cat).

Anonymous functions

Before showing how methods are done in JavaScript, it is helpful to revise the concept of the anonymous function, first encountered when we looked at AJAX. An anonymous function is a function without a name. We used a form of these when doing arrow functions (Topic 7) but we can also have regular functions as anonymous functions. In objects, the methods are anonymous functions which are properties of the object.

Setting up methods

On a basic level, we set up methods in a very similar way to properties. As we saw above, each method can be considered a property, in which the value of the property is an anonymous function. For example:

// JS
function init()
    document.getElementById("btn1").addEventListener("click", objectsexample);

function objectsexample()
    var cat = {
        name: "Tiddles",
        age: 10,
        weight: 10,
        makeNoise: function()

        walk: function()
            // "--" reduces the weight by 1

        eat: function()
            // "++" increases the weight by 1

Note the similar syntax in setting up the makeNoise(), walk() and eat() methods compared to the properties. The difference is that rather than setting the properties to values (such as "Tiddles" or 10) we set them to functions which perform a particular task, such as decrease or increase the weight. This makes them methods. So in JavaScript we can say that:
A method is a property which is a function.
Note the use of this in the method. this refers to the object which we are operating on. So, the walk() method is reducing the weight of the current cat object by 1, and the eat method is increasing it by 1.

Calling methods

The previous code merely defines how the cat object works. It specifies how cats make a noise, eat or walk but does not actually make the cat make a noise, eat or walk. To do this we need to call the methods, as oppose to merely defining them as we did above. To call a method we use the object name, followed by a dot, followed by the method name. The code below creates a cat object, defines its methods and then calls the eat() and makeNoise() methods:

// JS
function init()
    document.getElementById("btn1").addEventListener("click", objectsexample);

function objectsexample()
    var cat = {
        name: "Tiddles",
        age: 10,
        weight: 10,
        makeNoise: function()

        walk: function()
            // "--" reduces the weight by 1

        eat: function()
            // "++" increases the weight by 1

Note carefully the difference between:
eat : function() { this.weight++; }
The former specifies how the eat() method works. It does not actually call the method, in other words, it does not make the cat eat. It just stores the method in memory, ready for later use. The latter, by contrast, actually calls the method and makes the cat eat, so that its weight goes up by one. Note also how we can call the same method more than once.


We might want to pass some information into a function. For example, we might want to tell the eat() method how much food to eat. The example below shows this:

// JS
function init()
    document.getElementById("btn1").addEventListener("click", objectsexample);

function objectsexample()
    var cat = {
        name: "Tiddles",
        age: 10,
        weight: 10,
        makeNoise: function()

        walk: function()
            // "--" reduces the weight by 1

        // Note the "amount" parameter
        eat: function(amount)
            // "+=" increases the weight by the given amount 

    alert(cat.weight);; // argument of 2
    alert(cat.weight);; // argument of 3
Note how the amount of food is passed to the eat() function as an argument (2 the first time, 3 the second time). Note also how the declaration of the function takes the amount as a variable, this is called as a parameter:
eat: function(amount)
    // "+=" increases the weight by the given amount 

The toString() method

JavaScript has a special toString() method which can be used to return a string representation of that object. For a cat, this could be its name, age and weight. Here is an example:

var cat3 = 
    { name: "Tigger",
      age: 8,
      weight: 7, 
      makeNoise: function() { alert("Meow!") },
      walk: function() { this.weight--; },
      eat: function() { this.weight++; },
      toString: function() { return `${} ${this.age} ${this.weight}`; }
The advantage of toString() is that it allows you to easily display an object. If we supply an object as an argument to alert(), for instance, it would use toString() to determine how to display the object. So if we did the following:
we would get:
Tigger 8 7


Exercise 1

  1. Create a web page containing only a button which links to a JavaScript function called objectstest(). Use this HTML code:
    <script type='text/javascript' src='objectsExercise.js'></script>
    <body onload='init()'>
    <h1>Objects Exercise</h1>
    <input type="button" value="test" id="btn1" />
  2. Begin an objectsExercise.js file with an init() function which links the button with the ID of btn1 to a new function, objectstest().
  3. Write the objectstest() function. In the function, create a car object. It should have properties for make, model, engine capacity (cc), top speed, and current speed (mph or km/h - doesn't really matter). Set them to appropriate values (current speed should initially be zero)
  4. Add accelerate() and decelerate() methods. These should increase and decrease the speed by 5 units, respectively. decelerate() should ideally check to make sure that the speed doesn't go below 0 and accelerate() should ideally check to make sure that the speed doesn't go above the top speed.
  5. Add a toString() method to return a string representation of the car.
  6. Try displaying the car object, accelerating it, displaying it again, decelerating it, and displaying it once more.
  7. Adjust your accelerate() and decelerate so that the amount to increase and decrease the speed by is passed in as an argument.

If you finish

If you have started it already, continue to work on the DOM exercise from last time. If not, catch up on unfinished work.