The Wednesday Web Session 2

Introduction to OAuth

A question of trust

Imagine a situation in which operations of a web service which change the database (such as leaving a review for HT-Tracks, or booking an item of accommodation for PlacesToStay) required the user to login. Now imagine that client websites, such as your fan site or VisitHampshire, wanted to allow their users to perform these operations. How could it be done?

Consequently, another approach to cross-site authentication is needed and this is where OAuth comes in. OAuth allows client sites to authenticate with services via tokens. With OAuth, we have a provider which provides an OAuth service (this would be the web service) and a consumer which uses the service (the web service client). The user logs in on the provider site and then receives an access token to access any web service URLs (API endpoints) which need authorisation. The current version of the OAuth standard is OAuth 2, which allows a number of different grant types (mechanisms for granting access to a consumer to act on behalf of a user). We will consider the authorisation code grant type, as it more secure than some of the other options (e.g plain username/password)

General requirements for developing an OAuth2 client

Client needs to register with the server

Firstly the client site (consumer) needs to identify itself to the service (provider). This is done as follows:

User authentication with OAuth2

Here is a description of the entire OAuth2 authentication process which takes place when the user interacts with a client (consumer) site.

  1. User clicks an "authenticate" link on the consumer.
  2. Request containing the client key and secret sent to the OAuth provider - specifically a URL designated as the authorize endpoint.
  3. OAuth provider checks key and secret, and if valid, asks the user to grant permission to the consumer to carry out operations on their behalf. In other words, the user is explicitly stating that they trust the consumer to perform operations on the provider. If the user grants permission, the provider sends back an authorisation code. This is a temporary code used during the authorisation process only. The provider redirects the user to the registered callback URL on the consumer site.
  4. Back on the consumer side, if an authorisation code has been received, the consumer then sends another request to the access_token endpoint to obtain an access token from the authorisation code. Unlike the authorisation code, the access token is long-lived and can be used to perform operations on behalf of the user.
  5. The user can then perform an operation which requires an access token, such as leave a review or book a hotel. The access token is sent within the HTTP header of the request as a bearer token under the Authorization header, e.g:
    Authorization: Bearer 0dc176676acfb98987edcb787....
  6. Access tokens remain active until they time out or the user revokes them. Typically, a user can log onto the provider's site and view all their active tokens. Each token can then be revoked by the user. Until a token is revoked, that token will remain active: an approach taken by some developers (e.g OSM How Did You Contribute?), is to store the user's access token as a cookie so that they don't get a new token each time they use a consumer; instead they are automatically authenticated using the access token stored in the cookie. An OAuth provider might also wish to provide an API call to revoke a token.

This is shown here:
OAuth2 overall process

Very useful resource for more details

Aaron Parecki has written an in-depth introduction to OAuth2: this can be found here


Implementation details

PHP has an official OAuth extension which makes it relatively easy to develop OAuth clients and servers, but unfortunately this only supports OAuth1, not OAuth2. (OpenStreetMap still uses OAuth1, so if you need to write a consumer to OSM, you'll have to develop an OAuth1 client). However, luckily a third party library exists for developing an OAuth2 client, namely the PHP League's oauth-client. This can be obtained here.

Writing an OAuth client (consumer)

The logic of an OAuth2 client is set out below. We are assuming here that a single page, index.php, both sends the original authorisation request and acts as the registered callback. OAuth2 client logic

Our script starts by checking whether an authorisation code was passed in via GET. If it was, we've redirected from the /authorize endpoint on the provider. If it wasn't, we're starting from the beginning and so need to request an authorisation code:

// Load our Composer-installed dependencies
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; 

// Create an object representing the provider.
// Note how we have to provide our client ID and secret, and also
// the /authorize and /access_token endpoints.
// We also supply the redirect URL in case we didn't specify it when we
// registered our app.

$provider = new \League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\GenericProvider([
    'clientId' => 'YOUR CLIENT ID',
    'clientSecret' => 'YOUR CLIENT SECRET',
    'redirectUri' => 'YOUR CLIENT REDIRECT URL',
    'urlAuthorize' => '/authorize ENDPOINT ON PROVIDER',
    'scope' => 'all',
    'urlAccessToken' => '/access_token ENDPOINT ON PROVIDER',
    'urlResourceOwnerDetails' => 'BASE URL OF PROVIDER API'


// If an authorisation code was NOT supplied as a query string..
if(!isset($_GET["code"])) {

    // Get the full URL for the /authorize endpoint
    $authUrl = $provider->getAuthorizationUrl();
    // Get the state (see below)
    $_SESSION['state'] = $provider->getState();
    // Redirect to our /authorize endpoint
    header("Location: $authUrl");

Most of this has been explained in the code comments. The only aspect which has not is the state. Note that when we begin, we store the provider object's state in a session variable. This is a random string which we store in a session variable and check later, when we get the code back from the provider; we check that the provider sends back the same state we started with. This guards against interception attacks during the authorisation process.

Next, we write the code to handle the authorisation code having been returned from the provider:

// Check that the state sent back from the server is the same as the original (see above)
elseif(empty($_GET['state']) || (isset($_SESSION['state']) && $_GET['state']!=$_SESSION['state'])) {
    echo "Possible security violation detected - quitting";
} else {
    if(!isset($_SESSION["accessToken"])) {
        echo "No saved access token, getting one <br />";
        $accessToken = $provider->getAccessToken('authorization_code',
        $_SESSION["accessToken"] = $accessToken;
    } else {
        echo "We already have an access token, using that";
        $accessToken = $_SESSION["accessToken"];
    echo "Has access token expired? ".($accessToken->hasExpired() ? 'yes': 'no')."<br />";
Hopefully this code should be clear. We first check the state (see above) and then see if we have an access token stored in a session variable already. If we have, we can use it. If we haven't, we need to exchange the authorisation code for an access token by calling the access token endpoint of the provider. This code example also displays whether the access token has expired or not. If it has expired, it will no longer be possible to use it to call our provider API.

Next, now that we have an access token, we can use it to make an API call. This is making an imaginary call to a photo/upload route in the provider's web service API:

    // Form an object representing the HTTP request
    $request = $provider->getAuthenticatedRequest(
    echo "<h2>Making a request to the Open Panos API</h2>";

    // GuzzleHttp is an object-oriented PHP HTTP client - fulfils same role as cURL
    $client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
    // Send the request and get the response
    $response = $client->send($request)->getBody();
    // Decode the JSON
    $responseData = (string)json_decode($response);
    // Display the response. Imagine the JSON returned has a 'msg' field.
    echo "Response from API: <strong>{$response->msg}</strong>";
As we can see, this code sends a request to an API URL, passing in the access token, which is sent in the HTTP header in the form:
Authorization: Bearer ab767c678de988f78...

So that's it! The only thing we need to add is some error handling. You should wrap all the code in the "else" block (i.e. if we have an authorisation code and valid state) inside a "try/catch" block to handle errors thrown by the provider. e.g.

try {
    // get access token if needed, and make your API calls
} catch(\League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Exception\IdentityProviderException $e) { // thrown with invalid tokens
    echo "Exception: {$e->getMessage()}";
} catch(GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException $e) { // thrown if API returns an HTTP error code
    $status = $e->getResponse()->getStatusCode();
    echo $status==401 ? "This access token does not grant upload permission" :"HTTP error $status";

Writing an OAuth server

Often as a web developer you will only be interested in consuming other people's OAuth services. However you may well be interested in how to develop an OAuth2 server yourself. We may return to this in a future Wednesday Web session, but for now, here are a couple of pointers:


You are going to write an OAuth2 client to OpenTrailView ( to allow users to add tags to panoramas. To do this: