Topic 5: Simple Game Programming

There are no new object-oriented topics this week, but I am going to introduce you to a 2D games environment which might help you understand the nature of classes and objects more clearly by allowing you to do graphical object-oriented programming in a games context.

Note that you will not be assessed on this! I am introducing it to you to provide a "fun" environment in which you can experiment with object-oriented programming.

Golden T Game Engine

The Golden T Game Engine (GTGE) is a Java library developed by Golden T Studios which allows you to easily develop 2D games. The source code is available here.

Creating a Project

  1. When creating a project in Eclipse which uses GTGE, you need to let Eclipse know where the GTGE library can be found. The library file is called a JAR file and can be built from the source code available on GitHub, above.
  2. Each time you create a GTGE project, you need to add this library your project. To do this:

Checking your settings

Type in the following Java code:

import com.golden.gamedev.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;

public class MyGame extends Game
    public void initResources()


    public void update(long elapsedTime)


    public void render(Graphics2D g)

    public static void main (String args[])
       System.out.println("Game development environment OK! ");
The basic structure of this should be familiar from your work with Java so far. You have a class making up the main program and it has a main() method which is the entry point of the program. Compile and run the program, to check your settings are OK. You should get the message:
Game development environment OK!

Quick explanation of the code

When developing with GTGE you need to create a Game class with three methods, blank at the moment: initResources(), update() and render(). As you build up your game you will fill these in. Your class needs to include "extends Game" as shown above. We will look at what this means later in the unit.


You're now going to actually set up a graphical environment for the game. With GTGE, games can either be full-screen or windowed. For the purposes of the tutorials, we are going to use windowed games, but a real game would probably be full-screen.

To set up a windowed environment, add the following code to your main() method in the MyGame class:

GameLoader gameLoader = new GameLoader();
MyGame myGame = new MyGame();
gameLoader.setup(myGame,new Dimension(640,480),false);

This code:

Compile and run again. You should now see a blank game window appear.

Architecture of a game

The basic architecture of any game involves a game loop:
GTGE game loop
The game is continuously looping round and round; each time the game loop runs, the following tasks are performed:

Note that, with GTGE, you do not write the loop yourself; it has been pre-written and is part of the GTGE library. Instead, you fill in methods to perform each of these tasks. Then, the pre-written game loop calls each of your methods in turn. So, if your methods are blank (as they are right now), nothing will happen !!!

The methods of the GTGE game class that you need to fill in are as follows: initResources(), update() and render(). The function of each is described below:

Filling in the render() method

To illustrate the purpose of the render() method, you're now going to use Java graphics commands to actually draw something (a yellow circle) on the screen. Fill in the render() method with the following code:

public void render(Graphics2D g)
Compile and run. You'll now see a yellow ball in the middle of the screen, and the screen will have a black background. The first two lines set the colour to black and fill in the whole of the window; the second two lines set the colour to yellow and draw a ball at coordinates (320,240) of width 20 and height 20.

Reacting to keyboard input

Obviously a real game is going to need to react to keyboard input. To do this we use the keyDown() method, which is an in-built method of the Game class, to react to a key being pressed down.

     // Move left
else if (keyDown(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT))
     // Move right
else if (keyDown(KeyEvent.VK_UP))
     // Move up
else if (keyDown(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN))
     // Move down
keyDown () takes a parameter representing the key to test; it tests whether a particular key is currently pressed down. KeyEvent.VK_LEFT, etc, represent the cursor keys. Change your code which draws the ball so that it is drawn at x and y rather than 320 and 240. Try the program.

Representing game characters as images

So far we’ve just drawn simple geometrical shapes. However, in a game we more commonly use graphics to represent the game characters. How do we do this in GTGE? We actually use standard a standard Java feature, the BufferedImage class. First add a BufferedImage as an attribute of your MyGame class:

private BufferedImage image;
Then load it in the initResources() method:
image = getImage("U:\\images\\hero.png");
and then draw it in render():
where x and y are the coordinates of the game character.

Making it object-oriented

You have now seen how to create a simple graphical application using GTGE. What this unit is really all about, though, is object-oriented development. So we are now going to use GTGE to display your Hero class from Topics 3 and 4 on the screen.


Try writing a chase game in which a Monster (see advanced question, topic 4) chases the Hero. The game should end when the monster has eaten the hero. You'll need to give your Monster class a BufferedImage attribute and a draw() method, as for the Hero. If you need a monster image there is one here.