1. Hello World.

For this introductory, non-Android Kotlin session, we are going to be using Android Studio, as it allows us to write console programs as well as Android apps. Launch Android Studio and then create a new project. Ensure you select No activity, as shown below:
Creating an empty project
The project will be initialised but will have no source code files. You will need to add a Kotlin source code file to the project, do this as shown below:
Adding a file to your project
Then, compile and run the Kotlin program by right-clicking on it. The output will appear at the bottom of the screen.
Compiling and running a Kotlin program

2. Loops and ifs – basic

3. Looping through an array

4. when

Write a program which uses a "when" statement to print the grade (A, B, C, D, E, or F) equivalent to a given percentage. Make the 'when' act as an expression, i.e. you should get it to return a value and then print that value. Grades are as follows:

A - 70-100
B - 60-69
C - 50-59
D - 40-49
E - 30-39
F – 0-29
The program should also display "Error - invalid percentage" if the percentage is below 0 or greater than 100. Hint: you can use the "in" keyword with a range (e.g. 1..10) as a condition inside "when".

Classes and objects (do in your own time if necessary)

Create a Car class. It should have properties for make, model, engine capacity (cc), top speed, and current speed (mph or km/h - up to you). The first four should be passed in via the constructor. Set the current speed to 0 when the car initialises. Add accelerate() and decelerate() methods. These should increase and decrease the speed by a value passed into the method as a parameter. decelerate() should ideally check to make sure that the speed doesn't go below 0 and accelerate() should ideally check to make sure that the speed doesn't go above the top speed. Add a toString() method to return a string representation of the car. You need to use the override keyword with this, because it’s overriding the superclass method, i.e.

override fun toString(): String {...
Write a main() function. In main(), try creating two car objects. Display the car objects, accelerate them, display them again, decelerate them again, and display them once more

6. Inheritance (advanced; do in your own time if necessary)

You need to look at the further notes to answer this question. Create an inheritance hierarchy involving employees, programmers and managers.

Give each class a printDetails() method which prints the full details of objects of that class. Write a main() function to test your inheritance hierarchy.

Enhancement: change Programmer so that the favourite language string is replaced by an array of strings for multiple favourite languages (e.g. Kotlin, Java, PHP, Python and JavaScript).