Topic 1 - Introduction to Kotlin

What is Kotlin?

Some Kotlin features

Hello World in Kotlin

Variables example

Loops in Kotlin

Conditional statements in Kotlin

Conditional expressions

Basic arrays, including for-in and if-in


Non-nullable variables

Nullable variables

The safe-access operator

A practical example, and introducing Elvis

Functions in Kotlin

Classes and Objects in Kotlin

Making our class more concise - automatically setting constructor parameters equal to class attributes

Data classes - concisely representing complex data structures

Introducing some more Kotlin collections

The List

Creating a Mutable List

More on Functions in Kotlin

Anonymous Functions

Passing functions as arguments to other functions

Lambda functions

Making the lambda more concise - I

Making the lambda more concise - II - the implicit "it"

Real-world use of lambdas


Further reading

I have prepared some notes on additional basic Kotlin topics, including inheritance and map data structures. We may be able to cover these at the start of the lab session. If not, please read the notes here.