Week 2 - More Advanced Data Structures: Linked Lists and Stacks

This week we will look at two more specialised data structures, the linked list and the stack.

The linked list

We will start with a look at linked lists. Linked lists, which are different to the plain lists we discussed last time, are unlike arrays or lists in that they are not stored continuously in memory. Instead, data is stored as a series of linked nodes. Each node contains one item of data, and links to the memory locations of the previous and the next item of data in the linked list.

Linked list diagram

Each node has a link to the previous and the following node. When we add a new item of data, we make the previous node link to the new node, and we link the new node back to the previous node to form a two-way link.

The first node in the list links to nothing in the reverse direction (indicated in Python by the special value None) and similarly, the final node in the list links to nothing in the forward direction.

What are the consequences of this?

The stack

A stack data structure involves adding items from bottom to top, rather like a stack of plates. When we remove items from the stack, we remove from the top, again just like a stack of plates. The stack is known as a "last in first out" or "LIFO" data structure. It is called this, because the last things we add to the stack, are the first things we remove. Here is an example of a simple stack of numbers.

Simple stack

A stack can be used for any operation in which we need to navigate back to a previous state. Examples could include:

(In actual fact, each of these is now implemented in a slightly more complex way, in the sense that you can, in modern browsers, move both back and forwards along your history, but we are assuming a more simplified implementation in which you can only move back for the purposes of illustrating a stack).

Another use of stacks, which you will appreciate more when you have done more programming, is:

The two key operations of a stack, adding and removing items, have special terms.

An additional operation is:

Stacks are typically implemented using an internal array or list. When we push an item to a stack, we add an item to the next available space in this internal array. When we pop an item from a stack, we remove it from the last occupied space in the internal array, and "blank out" that position in the internal array.


When coding a data structure or algorithm, it is useful to be able to work out the logic of the code before you actually write any real code. Why is this useful?

We can use pseudocode to represent such logic. Pseudocode is a way of representing the logic of some code in concise English (or other human language) statements which clearly and unambiguously represent the logic of the code.

Starting with a basic example, "Hello World" might look like this in pseudocode:

Print "hello world"
Moving on to a more interesting example, here is some pseudocode to represent some simple logic to determine if you are old enough to vote:
Read age from the user into a variable "age"
If age is 18 or greater
    Print "You are old enough to vote"
    Print "Sadly you are not old enough to vote, but you will be in "
    Print 18 minus age
    Print "years"
And here is some pseudocode to represent a "while" loop to count up to a number that the user enters:
Read a number from the user into a variable "number"
Set a variable "counter" to 0
While counter is less than number
    Print counter
    Increase counter by 1

As can be seen, these examples of pseudocode represent the logic before we actually write code. They are trivial examples, but hopefully are enough to illustrate the point, and once completed, the pseudocode can then be implemented in real code of any given programming language. Python actually resembles pseudocode more than some other languages, so hopefully converting pseudocode to Python should be quite an easy job!

Higher-level pseudocode

It should also be said that there are differing levels of detail that you can write pseudocode with. The examples above include references to variables, which make them particularly useful for converting into real code. For simple algorithms, you can go straight to this stage. In more complex algorithms you might want to, before you go into this level of detail, write some higher-level pseudocode which describes the general logic without referencing variables. This helps you think about the overall high level logic of what must be done before you start thinking about what variables are needed. Higher-level pseudocode for the age tester might look like this:

Read age from the user 
If user's age is 18 or greater
    Tell them that they are old enough to vote
    Tell them that they are not old enough to vote
    Tell them how long they must wait to vote, based on their age

Exercise 1 - Exploring Linked Lists and Stacks on Paper

Question 1 : Linked List (paper)

  1. Think about what you would have to do to search for a particular item in a linked list using its index, starting at the beginning.

    Draw out a linked list containing the 5 items of data:

    - Linux 
    - Windows 
    - Mac OS X
    - Android
    - iOS

    Imagine we wish to retrieve the item with index 3 (Android). How could we do this? Draw out how you think it could be done on paper, and ask yourself: how efficient is this, particularly compared to doing the same thing with an array or list.

  2. Imagine that we wish to add a new item (Solaris) to the end of the linked list. Draw a diagram showing the process of creating this new item and adding it to the linked list.

Question 2: Stacks

We are now going to perform another paper-based exercise with stacks, to help you understand them and their operations.

Imagine you have an empty stack. Draw the stack after each operation below, and explain what, if anything is returned from each operation and any errors that might occur.

push (a), push (b), pop (), push (c), peek (), pop (), pop (), pop (), push (d), push (e), push (f), pop (), push (g), push (h), peek (), push (i), pop (), pop (), pop (), peek ().

Exercise 2: Designing a Stack and Linked List with Pseudocode

This exercise will allow you to think about the logic of stacks and linked lists using pseudocode, before you actually write real code. In two weeks' time, once you have learnt more Python programming, you will actually implement stacks and linked lists using real Python code.


First try writing, in a text editor, using pseudocode, the logic for implementing a stack.

To answer the question, consider and carry out the following:

If you're struggling with the pseudocode, try writing higher-level pseudocode, without the use of variables, first. See the discussion on pseudocode above.

Linked List

Try writing, in a text editor, using pseudocode, the logic for implementing the "add" and "get" operations of a linked list.

To answer the question, consider and carry out the following:

Advanced: write pseudocode for a third operation, "insertAt". This should insert a node into the linked list containing some data, after a given index. So if index 2 is specified, the node would be added after index 2.

If you're struggling with the pseudocode, try writing higher-level pseudocode, without the use of variables, first, as described above.